How to start swimming?

A cricket bat is very important for a cricketer. If you are a beginner and have just bought a cricket bat, you should know how to take care of it so that it will give you good service and make your game easier. Here is some information about what not to do with your bat, which is more important to know because “Prevention is Better than Cure”.


Oil: Oiling your bat is the first thing you need to do. The benefits of oiling are:

  • Your bat will keep shining.
  • The look of your bat will be amazing.
  • It will protect your bat from wood insects.

Knocking: Hammering or knocking is a basic thing to do with a

brand new bat. Knocking a bat is very much needed to prepare it to play. You

have to knock your bat with a wood hammer or with a cricket ball for at least 6

hours every day. Make sure that you are applying enough power when hammering.

Focus on hammering the middle part and lower middle part more; the lower middle

part is the most important for timing, which is what a batter wants. “Oh

Sweet” is the honest reaction of a batter.

Protector: It is extremely important to apply a protective layer

of scuff sheet to your new bat. It will protect your bat when edges occur

during your batting. You are suggested to knock your bat after applying a


Grip: Grip is also an important thing for a batter. Batters use

grip for their own comfort. If the grip is not under your control or not in

your comfort zone, you can’t hit a powerful shot. The handle of the bat will be

slippery. Make sure that the original grip is tight enough and well-positioned.

Usually, we use cones to set the grip on our bat.

What not to do with your Bat?

Be careful about these things so that your bat always remains in

good condition.


  • Never over oil your bat.
  • Protect your bat from water.
  • Don’t hammer on the backside of your bat.
  • Don’t hit with extreme power,especially the edges and toe of the bat.


My message might sound funny, but it’s important not to share

your bat with your friend. Ha ha ha!

In conclusion, taking care of your cricket bat is essential for maintaining its performance and durability. By following simple steps such as oiling, knocking, applying protectors, and ensuring a proper grip, you can extend the lifespan of your bat and enhance your batting experience. Additionally, being mindful of what not to do, such as avoiding over-oiling, protecting your bat from water, and refraining from hitting with excessive force, will further safeguard your investment. Remember, a well-maintained bat can significantly contribute to your success on the cricket field. So, take care of your bat, and it will take care of your game.

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